
Wednesday 15 June 2011

The world's most dangerous countries for women

1. Afghanistan
  • Beleaguered by insurgency, corruption and dire poverty, Afghanistan ranked as most dangerous to women overall and came out worst in three of the poll's key risk categories: health, non-sexual violence and economic discrimination.
  • Women in Afghanistan have a one in 11 chance of dying in childbirth.
  • Some 87 per cent of women are illiterate.
  • Seventy to eighty per cent of girls and women face forced marriages.
2. Congo
  • Still reeling from a 1998-2003 war and accompanying humanitarian disaster that killed 5.4 million, Democratic Republic of Congo ranked second due mainly to staggering levels of sexual violence.
  • About 1,150 women are raped every day, or some 420,000 a year, according to a recent report in the American Journal of Public Health.
  • The Congolese Women's Campaign Against Sexual Violence puts the number of rapes at 40 women a day.
  • Fifty-seven per cent of pregnant women are anaemic.
3. Pakistan
  • Those polled cited cultural, tribal and religious practices harmful to women, including acid attacks, child and forced marriage and punishment or retribution by stoning or other physical abuse.
  • More than 1,000 women and girls are victims of "honour killings" every year, according to Pakistan's Human Rights Commission.
  • Ninety per cent of women in Pakistan face domestic violence.
4. India
  • Female foeticide, child marriage and high levels of trafficking and domestic servitude make the world's largest democracy the fourth most dangerous place for women, the poll showed.
  • One hundred million people, mostly women and girls, are involved in trafficking in one way or another, according to former Indian Home Secretay Madhukar Gupta.
  • Up to 50 million girls are "missing" over the past century due to female infanticide and foeticide.
  • At last 44.5 per cent of girls are married before the age of 18.
5. Somalia
  • One of the poorest, most violent and lawless countries, Somalia ranked fifth due to a catalogue of dangers including high maternal mortality, rape, female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage.
  • Ninety-five per cent of women face FGM, mostly between the ages of 4 and 11.
  • Only 9 per cent of women give birth at a health facility.
  • Only 7.5 per cent of parliament seats are held by women.
Sources: Gulf News: AlertNet (, UN agencies, IRIN News, American Journal of Public Health, World Bank, Gender Index, Human Rights Watch, International Center for Research on Women

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Why do cougars exist, and why do older men date younger women?

Please analyze the chart carefully for a better understanding

Cougar explanation:
A man's testosterone level slowly decreases as he gets older and his sex drive decreases accordingly. The average women's sex drive gradually increases between the ages 36-38, which explains 'toy boy' syndrome of the older woman/younger man. Younger men have the physical performance level an older woman craves. A man's sexual performance level at age 19 is more compatible with a woman in her late thirties.

Older Man/Younger Woman:

The sex drive of a man in his 40s is compatible with a woman in her early 20s which partially explains the older man/younger woman combination. There is usually a 10 to 20 year age difference between them.

(Source: Why men don't listen and women read maps by Allan & Barbara Pease)

Sunday 15 May 2011

Are you a Narcissist?

Wikipedia: Narcissism is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness


Narcissists love themselves, they would rather be admired than liked.

So are you a narcissist? Take below test:

Jokes aside, Please click on the following link to take the narcissist test:

Saturday 14 May 2011

Body Language- Extracts from Allan Pease's book

False smiles pull back only the mouth while real smiles pull back both mouth and eyes.
Science has proven that the more you smile, the more positive reactions others will give you.

Diana's Sideways-Looking-Up smile had a powerful effect on both men and women
When you fold your arms your credibility dramatically reduces
You may feel that arm-crossing is simply comfortable but others will think you're not approachable.

Skilful elbow-touching can give you up to three times the chance of getting what you want.
A light 3 second elbow-touch creates a momentary bond between two people. Touching above or below the elbow does not produce the same result and touching for more than 3 seconds will receive a negative response.

Gestures can reveal if a person is lying.
Seven of the most common ‘lying gestures' are the, ‘Mouth Cover', the ‘Nose Touch', the ‘Eye Rub', the ‘Ear Grab', the ‘Neck Scratch', the ‘Collar Pull' and the ‘Fingers In The Mouth'.
Bill Clinton answering questions about Monica Lewinsky in front of the Grand Jury
Pupil dilation is a sign that the person likes what they see
When the pupil of the eye dilates, the black section in the middle grows in size. This explains why we sometimes see a “twinkle in the eye” when a person is happy or excited. The larger black area reflects light differently.

The closer people feel emotionally to each other, the closer they will stand to each other.
There are cultural reasons too, why people will stand a certain distance from another person.

Jiggling the feet is like the brain's attempt to run away from what is being experienced.
If you are not sure whether you're being lied to or not, look under the table or desk. Glass topped tables cause us more stress than solid tables, as our legs are in full view and so we don't feel as if we are in full control.

Open legs show male confidence; closed legs show male reticence
Crossed legs not only reveals negative or defensive emotions, it makes a person appear insecure and causes others to react accordingly.

Finger pointing creates negative feelings in most listeners
Finger pointing not only registered the least amount of positive responses from the listeners; they could also recall less of what the speaker had said

Being ‘perceptive' means being able to spot the contradictions between someone's words and their body language.
And that overall women are far more perceptive than men. Research reveals that women read the situation accurately 87% of the time, while men only scored 42% accuracy. This has given rise to the term "women's intuition".

Cultural Differences
The biggest cultural differences exist mainly in relation to territorial space, eye contact, touch frequency and insult gestures. The regions that have the greatest number of different local signals are Arab countries, parts of Asia and Japan.

If a Saudi man holds another man's hand in public it's a sign of mutual respect. But don't do it in Australia, Texas or Liverpool, England! 

    "You can't love somebody with that much hurt"- Movie: For Colored Girls

    Movie Recommendation: "For Colored Girls"

    This movie is based on a book that encompasses every experience and feeling a woman ever had. Inspiring quotes and dramatic dialogue explores the lives of struggling women. The movie was aimed for colored women who considered suicide and every woman worldwide can relate to this heartwarming story.

    Sunday 1 May 2011

    Wasta- واسْطة " It is not What you know, but Who you know"

    Wikipedia:-Wasta or Wasata (Arabic: واسْطة) is an Arabic word that loosely translates into  'who you know'. It refers to using one’s connections and/or influence to get things done, including government transactions such as the quick renewal of a passport, waiving of traffic fines, and getting hired for or promoted in a job.

    "I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."-Thomas Jefferson (3rd President of the United Sates)

    Take this Quiz: Do Criminals have a different look?

    Just for fun: ( are generally better at spotting out the criminals. Can you tell which ones are convicted criminals and which one are not?
    You will have to access Valla et al.'s article here.  The answers are in the Appendix at the end of their paper.

    Saturday 30 April 2011

    Diabetes and Obesity

    More than three-quarters of women and two-thirds of the men in the UAE are overweight and the numbers are expected to increase, according to World Health Organisation statistics. The UAE is 10th in a list of countries with the most overweight people. (Feb 2011)

    The contradictions of the 'Feminist Movement'


    Symptoms of depression:

    “Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad."
    ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    Thursday 28 April 2011

    New to blogging!

    First topic: Relationships

    Relationship advice does NOT have all the answers but can guide you.

    Why are the majority of self help books about "Why Men love bitches?" "...Women are from Venus" "Women's guide to happiness" etc. but there isn't one book written for Men and how to understand women?
    My assumption is women tend to be more emotional and are constantly seeking answers.

    Highly recommended book: "Why men dont listen and women can't read maps" by Allan and Barbara Pease.